PolicyABCs is a project of Albilal & Associates promoting mindful conversations addressing community inclusion

[Coming to America…]

The immigration policy discourse shakes our foundations regarding our understanding of:

  • What is God,
  • What is Country?
  • What is social responsibility?
  • What is our global responsibility?
  • What is freedom?
  • Who are “we” as a nation to the world?

Our answers to these questions and the ideas and knowledge we may develop together grappling with these questions may be the most important work we can do as citizens of the greatest country on earth and as caring people who realize we have to share this earth and its resources or we will be doomed to conflict, error and waste.If we can see reason here, we can begin to build a vision for a future America that continues to grow and lead the world.

How can America maintain its special place in the world and remain a welcoming place?

Share your thoughts below…

Be sure to review the Policy Think Shop Rules as this topic needs more reason than passion; it also needs compassion–“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”